Saturday, September 24, 2011

Follow @TheWhiteRabbit & Join the Madness on Facebook: Alice: Madness Return’s marketing campaign enters the World Wide Wonderland

Alice: Madness Returns is the sequel to the computer game American McGee’s Alice. The games success can be attributed to its online marketing campaign utilizing Interactive Web Marketing and Social Marketing and ... -> Marketing Done Wright

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 27, 2010


No more excuses. I know I haven’t posted an entry in a little while, and I have been doing some lifting, but nothing to be proud of. I have been making excuses not to lift or workout, and I have become comfortable lazing around the house doing very little. My boyfriend and personal trainer has a job and has been working much more. When he isn’t home to train me, well, I don’t train. Now I have found my solution.

There is always an excuse to sit around and do nothing, so instead of coming up with new ones, I have decided to find a solution. Jamie Eason, my wonderful Role Model has a great video on Youtube for anyone that wants to work out and thinks they can’t.

I don’t have a trainer
I can’t afford to go to the gym
I don’t want anyone to see me workout
I don’t want to leave my house
I don’t have any weights/equipment

Well here is the solution, work out at home or on the road with little to no equipment.

If you have enough room to lay down and spread out as well as stand and do a jumping jack then grab some comfy workout clothes and a deck of cards and burn off that last little bit of fat with these Plyometric excercises.

This routine does not fill the spot of my normal work out with my trainer but it will help me be active while he is away. The more active you are on your own the more likely you will succeed with others.

What you need:
A deck of card
An area long enough and tall enough for your person
Workout clothes
A piece of paper and pencil

On the paper you want to write down the Plyometric routine you are going to do.

Jamie Eason’s Routine:
Squat Jumps
Jumping Jacks
Jumping Lunges
High Knees
Mountain Climbers
Butt Kicks
Push Ups
Jumping Jacks (again for a rest)

Repeat until card deck is done, for best results go through deck three times.

Thank you, and I’M BACK!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fact #2

Me after 
Everyone needs a role model!
     As a child my role model was my mother, she was everything to me, still is.
      When I was a little older I wanted to be a Power Ranger, the Green one to be exact. 
     In my teenage years I wanted to be like Pink or any other woman with a big mouth and success.
     Now instead of finding a role model to help me find what I want to be I have decided to find out what I want to be and if a role model emulates my desires I will be delighted to find them.
Corporate Communications, 
Competitions and Modeling
     I am going to College for Advertising and Marketing; I want to be successful in the business world.
     I have lost over 40 lbs since High School and have been working hard to understand what healthy is and how to be fit.
     Weightlifting is really important to me and I want to be able to complete my goals, such as; back squatting my body weight by Thanksgiving and overhead squatting my body weight in early 2011. I also want to have visible abs and sustain them to show off during Swim Suit/Beach season next year.
My Role Model 
Jamie Eason
     It was not too difficult to find my role model; she even looks exactly like how I would love to look. I am a 5’2” blond, Caucasian female with a desire to be fit through weight training and to be successful in the business world.
     Jamie Eason is a beautiful and successful woman who has inspired me to become the best I can. She did not start out looking the way she does now, she was not always fit, she was not always successful but she has pushed herself and made her self the amazing person she is today!
     In the strong words of my role model; This is your life. If you are not who you want to be, change it!” – Jamie Eason

     When you need more Work Out advice than I can give, or Nutrition Information from a professional or even just a little more Motivation to help you achieve you goals then check out Jamie Eason's Official Website.  

      From now on when I have a tip or fact that I believe has positively helped me or that could help my followers than I will also link the fact to one of Jamie's blogs links. With these links you will have more of an opportunity to expand your knowledge to achieve your goals!
- The Hottest Geekette <3

Friday, September 3, 2010

Progress for Week 5 (August 29th – September 4th)

Sunday:  I am going to do this!

AM-> Went for a (13min) run!

     (Well it was more of a hyperventilating jog/walk from my apartment to the park down the road. The plan is to do this run every morning until I can run it without having to walk intermittently just to finish. Then I will up my distance and then my speed.)

PM -> Lifted for approx 45 mins
      Sumo Dead Lift(45lbs)x5, x6, x6, x5, x6
      Front Squat(NA)x6, x6, x6,(25lbs)x5, x5, x5, x6
      Push-ups(Inclined)x8, x8, x7, x8
      Curls(25lbs)x10, x8, x8

114.5 lbs at the end of the day


AM -> Stretched in the morning for approx 10 mins.

PM->  Helped my friends move, loading and unloading a truck.


AM->  Unable to go for a run because I am in Toronto about to help another friend move to Ottawa


Exhausted from all the driving and helping people move, I went to Belleville to visit my friend who came fown from BC to visit.

PM-> Walked to the grocery store and went for another walk later that night

Not enough or proper exercise but I did at least try to stay active during our heat warning!





Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fact #1

There is always a reason to quit, there is always a reason to start and there is always a reason to fail!

Last week I failed. I hate to admit it but I need to. I didn't lift for over a week, when I did lift I sucked. I am very disappointed in myself, which if you do not know is a hundred times worse than a parent being disappointed in you.

I thought, 'Hey, I've lost some weight, my boyfriend thinks I look better and it's my week off!' All of my dedication was gone, all of my 'give-a-damn' vanished and I failed! There will always be a reason to fail, whether you are trying to quit smoking, loose weight, accomplish any goal; there is always a reason to fail! Get past those reasons.

I had a migraine, I was tired, I didn't want to, it was my week off, I had ever excuse I needed to give up and to fail. Then I went to Boston Pizza with my boyfriend in a new outfit that showed off the little progress I had made. I have lost a few pounds, I am trimmed up, but I am NOT were I NEED to be. We also had a waitress that was a little overweight, and a few girls sitting at tables close to us and I realized that I don't want to look like that. I know I can make myself look great, I can get visible abs and a well defined back to show off. I will look great is my new dress!

We watched the fights, had a great night and I was inspired. I want, no...I NEED to look amazing because I know I can look amazing. I have goals, I have the means to achieve them and with my brand new Under-Armour Sports Bra from Sport Chek I have started again.

It is never to late to start! Starting and stopping is less bad then never starting at all, so please get out there and achieve your goals! I am going for a run!


Alrighty, went for a 10 minute terrible run! I ran/jogged/walked to the park down my street and back in a hyperventilating mess! I didn't do well, I wanted to quit before I started, I couldn't find my I-pod to help me go, but I went! That is the important part, I went. I did what I set out to do and I am planning to go for a run every morning until I am no longer a hyperventilating mess!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Progress for Week 4 (August 16th – August 20th)

Week 4 -

Instead of lifting, I sucked. I sucked hard core. I no longer have a set schedule because I'm not working 8-4 Monday to Friday and I can sleep in. I am excited to have time off and not do anything and unfortunately that allowed me to really suck at my lifting.

I am appalled at myself and will be getting back on track. I am going to work on my routine and make sure I can do it alone without any help and really start making some amazing progress. I will be posting pictures of my stomach from here on out and I will really be pushing myself to achieve my goal.

One small tip, I will write it up much better in a later post. is that, lifting and working out is MUCH easier when you have a routine. Don't allow yourself to think just because you have a vacation from work means you have a vacation from life. Lifting is part of my life, a small part that I am hoping will grow but still a part of my life. It affects my moods, my health, how I feel about myself and I know it will make me feel and look better if I can just stick to it.

If you are following this blog PLEASE actually follow me, let me know. The more people supporting me, the more people I am 'reporting' to and the more motivation I have to succeed!

Hottest Geekette <3 Trying to get Hotter!